June 11 (Saturday)
at 10:00 am
Class length
180 minutes
The Fourth Floor, 65 Murray St, HOBART
This is for women who are ready to embrace their superpowers!
It's tender, courageous and deeply healing.
Warning, it may change your life.
Whether you are facing menopause, just starting out on your menstural journey, or returning to cultivating a close relationship to the wisdom of your cycle.
We are;
Women wanting to learn more about cycles, self care, rest, pleasure and our deeper selves.
Women of all ages looking to relate to their internal rhythms with more harmony, gratitude and grace.
Women ready to step deeper into honouring themselves, integrate shadows and celebrate the power of being a cyclical being in a cyclical world.
You are invited to deepen connection with yourself and timeless divine feminine rites of passage.
You will learn to translate the hormonal phases of your cycle through the wisdom and lens of seasonal and archetypes.
Come play with your Spring Maiden on May 21st,
Create new seeds and connections with Summer Mother on June 11th,
Get Fierce with Autumn Enchantress on 9th July,
And rest in the deepest wisdom of the Winter Crone on the 6th August.
You will dance, move and be guided through immersive embodied meditations and ceremonies.
You will be given lifelong practices to take away with you.
You will have the opportunity to connect in a safe sacred space with other women.
Come for one 3 hour season or the full experience around the cycle.
Tea, treats and take home sheets provided.
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