The Fourth Floor

Seasonal Hatha Yoga
with Pia Om

February 22 (Wednesday)
at 9:30 am

Class length
75 minutes

The Fourth Floor, 65 Murray St, HOBART

When: Wednesdays, 9.30am  - 10.45am 
Cost: $20 per session or $105 for 6 Week Pass (pre-purchase HERE)

Seasonal Hatha is guided by the seasons and by Yogic Knowledge and Traditional Chinese Medicine. This practice notices how each season can help us to become more attuned with our environment while also becoming more aware internally, so within so without. As we notice the seasons, this can assist us in balancing the elements that lay within, it can show us how we may use the seasons to cultivate beneficial qualities and release excess built up energy that no longer serve us. In a Seasonal Hatha Practice, yoga postures are consciously placing a little pressure onto the meridian lines associated with the season, the purpose of this pressure is to bring back oxygen flow and life force energy which may have become tense, held or restricted. A Seasonal Hatha Class will give options of gentle postures and strong postures, this is so you can choose what is best for your body, you can lean into or lean out of a posture to the point that feels most beneficial to you. The aim is to be bring about a sense of balance and well-being. With compassion we may notice where our strengths, excesses, weaknesses, or deficiencies lay, and gently caringly seek to bring about equilibrium. 

In this six week series we will first explore the Earth Element where we look to cultivate our foundations and connections with the element of Earth. The last three weeks we will explore the element of Air where we may recognise our capacities to let life fully in while also exploring our capacities to release what may no longer be beneficial to us. 

  1. 8th Feb: Season Harvest, Element Earth, Chakra Mulahdara, Meridian Line Spleen and Stomach 
  2. 15th Feb: Season Harvest, Element Earth, Chakra Mulahdara, Meridian Line Spleen and Stomach
  3. 22nd Feb: Season Harvest, Element Earth, Chakra Mulahdara, Meridian Line Spleen and Stomach
  4. 1st March: Season Autumn, Element Air, Charka Anahata + Vishuda, Meridian Line Large Intestine + Lungs 
  5. 8th March: Season Autumn, Element Air, Charka Anahata + Vishuda, Meridian Line Large Intestine + Lungs
  6. 15th March: Season Autumn, Element Air, Charka Anahata + Vishuda, Meridian Line Large Intestine + Lungs


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