The Fourth Floor

Restorative Yoga
with Emmanuelle Decourty

June 8 (Thursday)
at 6:15 pm

Class length
70 minutes

The Fourth Floor, 65 Murray St, HOBART

Time: Thursdays, 6:15pm - 7:25pm
Winter/Spring Program: August 27th - September 14th (9 weeks).
Pass Options: $20 per session or $160 for the 9 week course

Purchase drop-in HERE or 9 week course HERE

Fold and unfold slowly over 70 minutes of restorative yoga, especially developed to reset your body, mind, and heart into a state of deep relaxation, ease and equilibrium.


You will be welcomed by soft lighting and mellow music, with mats and props to fully support you as you relax into in each pose, and you will receive a consent token that you can use to indicate if you wish to receive a gentle head massage and adjustment.


Emmanuelle’s compassionate and safe facilitation will include a guided meditation that facilitates a nourishing inner journey.


Restorative yoga is open to all levels of experience and is especially beneficial for:


- Soothing the nervous system including the symptoms of hyperactivity, anxiety and depression.

- Boosting immunity.

- Improving mental concentration, calm and focus.

- Promoting better sleep.

- Offering a nurturing and safe space for people living with chronic fatigue syndrome and recovering from injuries.

-  Perfect for when you really need some time out, some respite and a hug.

Emmanuelle is a yoga teacher, massage therapist and group facilitator with 20 years experience.


Movement and breathing practices are some of her favourite pathways to support her own

healing journey. They enhance her sense of vitality, joy and calm as well as deepen her ability to hold other’s healing processes. Her purpose is  to guide and inspire  wellness through relaxation, realignment and deep presence.


Emmanuelle’s yoga classes are unique and forever adapting to the needs and experience of her students. You can expect to be transported through her soothing melodious guidance into a meditative movement journey, emphasising self awareness and a sense of harmonious wholeness.


Facilitating restorative yoga  is her response to having witnessed increasing levels of stress, mental health challenges, chronic fatigue syndrome  and increased difficulties at calming the nervous system amongst many clients.

Her sessions offer a safe, nurturing and grounding time out to anyone seeking  to live life with more  ease and equilibrium.


She looks forward to journeying with you.


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