The Fourth Floor

Feldenkrais Method ®: Letting Go
with Nicole Harstead

October 24 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

The Fourth Floor, 65 Murray St, HOBART

When: Tuesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm
10 weeks commencing Tuesday October 17th - December 19th 
 Cost: $170 for 10 week pass (purchase HERE) or $20 drop-in (purchase HERE)

It’s very common to clench your jaws and fingers, to hold your shoulders up and experience a tight neck and back. Our environment can create stresses which cause these reactions in both our mind and body. If these stresses continue, this holding can become insidious and unconscious, causing long term aches and pain.

Feldenkrais Awareness through movement® classes help you to become aware of this holding and begin to let go of it. It helps you to remember the freedom of movement you once had, and introduce you to novel ways of moving.

"Doing Feldenkrais surprised me. I hadn’t ever felt that sense of ease, safety and presence in my body."
Suzy, student of Awareness through movement®

About Nicole:

Nicole Harstead is a Movement Educator of 20 years. She taught dance for many years in the college system and is a certified Feldenkrais Practitioner. She loves working with people in groups and individually helping explore new options for movement and life!


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