The Fourth Floor

Awakening Hatha
with Pia Om

November 14 (Tuesday)
at 9:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

The Fourth Floor, 65 Murray St, HOBART

When: Tuesdays 9.30am - 10.30am 
Dates: 8 weeks from October 17th - December 5th
Cost: $140 per 8 week purchase HERE or $20 drop-in purchase HERE
Who: Pia Om

In this practice we awaken our body, mind and spirit 
We begin with the breath ‘pranayama’ clearing the body and aligning with the mind to set our intention or sankalpa.
The physical postures, asanas, will be steady and lengthening, warming up muscles and joints, 
leading into stronger postures that assist to build upon strength, resilience and balance both mentally and physically, 
These stronger asanas are then followed by caring and repairing our body to ensure release in muscle tension, relaxing our body and mind in preparation for a 10 minute guided mediation to close. 

8 Week Series:

1. Foundations

2. Authentic-Self

 3. Inner-Strength

4.  Loving Kindness

5.  Listening

 6. Expressing

 7. Envision and Potential

8. Deep Knowing


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
