The Fourth Floor

Find Freedom Through Feldenkrais®
with Nicole Harstead

May 21 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

The Fourth Floor, 65 Murray St, HOBART

When: Tuesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm
10 weeks commencing Tuesday April 30th - July 2nd 
 Cost: $170 for 10 week pass, or $20 drop-in
Purchase 10 pass HERE 
Purchase drop in HERE

Do you have a habit of struggling in your everyday life? Often we are taught that if we push hard enough we will get what we want in life. We do this with our bodies too!

The absence of struggle is freedom. During a Feldenkrais `Awareness through movement’ (ATM) lesson you are encouraged to find grace and a sense of ease in your movement. And by dialing back your effort, your nervous system is able to find more helpful movement patterns.

ATM lessons are usually done in lying and your teacher guides you verbally, guiding your awareness of the sensations in your body, and asking you to curiously explore variations in size and timing of movements. You will marvel at what your intelligent body can do. 

"Having more freedom in my body enables me to respond flexibly, rather than having a fixed mindset."

— Shona, ATM student 

About Nicole:

Nicole Harstead is a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, she practices 1:1 Functional integration, teaches ATM classes and workshops. She also taught dance and movement for many years in the College system. She loves assisting people to find more freedom and joy in their movement.


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