The Fourth Floor

Feldenkrais - Mindful Movement to Ease your Neck & Shoulders
with Wendy Leewood

March 19 (Tuesday)
at 1:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

The Fourth Floor, 65 Murray St, HOBART

The full 8 week course of Feldenkrais at The Fourth Floor with Wendy Leewood is especially beneficial when all of the 8 classes are attended. Drops ins are also most welcome.

Would you like to feel more ease in your neck and shoulders? More fluidity in all your movements, more balance, confidence, calm and grace?? 
Exploring developmental movement patterns – the foundation patterns that support of all our movement - is a powerful and surprising way to improve our function, in all that we do in our daily lives. These gentle guided lessons re-mind us of how we learnt to move as infants. Using mindful attention to yourself as well as to the gentle movement sequences we explore, you will learn to release tension and unconscious restrictions and create natural, graceful and effective actions.

These lessons will remind you of movements that have dropped out of your movement vocabulary:  whether from age, injury, trauma or just bad habits. 
You will experience yourself in a whole new way – and feel lighter, freer and in less pain than you imagined was possible. These new possibilities will bring about more strength, balance, fluidity, ease and calm.

Wendy Leewood is passionate about movement and constantly inspired by the capacity of the mind and body to respond, adapt, learn and change.


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