The Fourth Floor

Sally Kluss

Sally Kluss has been teaching yoga since 2012, having being inspired to deepen her training and knowledge after 12 years of practice. Sally's interest in the the body, movement and mindfulness began as a small child, when her love for music and dance emerged. She has been a practicing remedial massage therapist since 2006 and has recently qualified as a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner. Sally brings a depth of knowledge in functional anatomy to her yoga teaching, and draws from her varied experience with many styles of yoga (Satyananda, Iyengar, Hatha and Vinyasa) since her first class as a teen. Inspired by her many teachers over the years, including Donna Farhi and Simon-Borg Olivier, Sally wishes to assist students in cultivating a sense of comfort and ease with oneself - through the practice of postures, movement and breathing. Sally also offers therapeutic applications of yoga through one-on-one sessions and tailored yoga sequences for a home practice. She is especially interested in assisting those with injury, immobility and other potential limitations to access the wide-ranging benefits of a regular yoga practice.

Sally's light-hearted approach to her class teaching makes yoga accessible for anyone open, willing and curious to learn.


200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

50 hour Rainbow Kids Yoga Training

50 hour Meditation Teacher Training

50 hour Yoga Therapy Teacher Training

Diploma of Remedial Massage

Bachelor of Health Science (Complimentary Medicine)

Masters of Applied Science (Acupuncture)

ATMS and AHPRA registered.
